I currently work with an ordnance disposal company, providing engineering support and some contract work. This company is
Maritime & Land Explosive Ordnance Disposal and is based in North Wales, although their scope of operation is world-wide.

Below are illustrations of some work carried out by me for this company.


This is a completely non-magnetic trolley made from aluminium, brass and plastics. It is designed to carry an array of three magnetometer probes which are used to establish a three-dimensional plot of magnetic anomalies in the ground in order to locate any buried ordnance. Position is logged by grid, or with GPS.


This unit (here on test) is a simple battery-operated intercom for remote
communications when working with an operator carrying out hazardous work.


This item is designed to run on rails and carries an unexploded shell
into an oxy-acetylene flame in order to burn out the main explosive.
The pupose of the railway system is to admit the shell to the flame from a safe distance or protected area, in case of combustion leading to the explosive phase.


This device is a gun and stable mounting for an IED destructor/trigger. The gun accepts AK47 rounds
and may be remotely fired.

The gun components:

Gun comps.

This illustrates the gun being used to punch a hole into a shell, so that the explosive can be burnt out. This is achieved by a magnetically attached igniter. Both the gun and
the igniter may be initiated electrically, using our own initator.


Here is a magnetometer probe which is used for detecting ferrous objects within a borehole: 
The probe contains two magnetometers, feeding a differential amplifier to null the earth's magnetic field.

 Ctl. box

A dual-probe logger for field magnetic logging. Shown below is the portable logger and a 3D display of the results after transfer to a PC,
showing a notable anomaly from a small survey:

This unit will take readings either at timed intervals or by manual selection and the data is recorded as a 3D matrix along with GPS co-ordinates



Here is a logger for use either with an airborne drone, or floating on water. The probe is housed in a carbon fibre tube to minimise weight. The unit logs the data against GPS co-ordinates and retains it for later downloading. The data may then be examined either in two or three dimensional format, using the tools developed for the logger above.

The graph shows magnetic anomaly in the vertical dimension, with GPS co-ordinates across the base. This can be rotated on the PC display.

Below is a link to a video of a test of a magnesium/Barium peroxide initiator. Note that this has been slowed to 1/8 real time! (Too much peroxide...)
